Thursday, December 9, 2010

Follow-Up From Last Post

I was able to get the podcast I linked to the last post (from the direct link to my mp3 through web hosting site on Google Reader. I was unable, however, to get the podcast through iTunes, which is what I really wanted to do. Oh well. It's 12:36am. I've got a 25-35 page paper due on Monday and I have only written 16. I'm going to bed.

Before I forget, here's my assignment #10 assignment.

1. I have used technology to learn more about my content by accessing e-books, using online foreign language dictionaries, accessing a myriad of primary sources through the Harold B. Lee Library's Government Documents subject guide, etc.

2. I have used Google Docs to collaborate with my classmates. That was how my HIST 477 group did our entire model unit project.

3. I will use technology to showcase primary documents (film footage, audio clips from speeches, digitized memos and such).

4. I learned that technology is upgrading daily; you turn around and there is something new and cool that can make life easier and better. At the same time, if you let it, that same technology can complicate your life when it doesn't work because you are doing something slightly wrong and you stay up for hours trying to figure it out when you should be in bed sleeping.

5. I will use Google Reader as a personal learning network.

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