Thursday, December 9, 2010

If at first you don't succeed...

I did it! I got my podcast on iTunes. It only took me 3 hours, but I did it! If you want to, click the subscribe button to your right.

Follow-Up From Last Post

I was able to get the podcast I linked to the last post (from the direct link to my mp3 through web hosting site on Google Reader. I was unable, however, to get the podcast through iTunes, which is what I really wanted to do. Oh well. It's 12:36am. I've got a 25-35 page paper due on Monday and I have only written 16. I'm going to bed.

Before I forget, here's my assignment #10 assignment.

1. I have used technology to learn more about my content by accessing e-books, using online foreign language dictionaries, accessing a myriad of primary sources through the Harold B. Lee Library's Government Documents subject guide, etc.

2. I have used Google Docs to collaborate with my classmates. That was how my HIST 477 group did our entire model unit project.

3. I will use technology to showcase primary documents (film footage, audio clips from speeches, digitized memos and such).

4. I learned that technology is upgrading daily; you turn around and there is something new and cool that can make life easier and better. At the same time, if you let it, that same technology can complicate your life when it doesn't work because you are doing something slightly wrong and you stay up for hours trying to figure it out when you should be in bed sleeping.

5. I will use Google Reader as a personal learning network.

Podcasting...didn't work.

Part 1 – Identify an Instructional Challenge
Instructional challenge – creating a personalized and orderly learning environment.

Dr. Howard Gardner is famous for theory of multiple intelligences, arguing that humans learn in multiple ways:

1) Linguistically, 2) Logically-Mathematically, 3) Spatially, 4) Bodily-Kinesthetically, 5) Musically, 6) Interpersonally, 7) Intrapersonally, and 8) Naturally (through nature) – see for more information.

Far too often, teachers only present material in a way that appeals to students' linguistic and logical-mathematic intelligences. The problem is that some students' other intelligences are more prominent, and it is therefore easier to learn in ways that match those other intelligences (see also for information about VARK learning styles, which operate on virtually the same principles). As I have taken education classes, I have had a chance to take part in lessons that focus on different intelligences and learning styles and have become a believer that teaching in a non-traditional is important to reach those students who might not learn best through lecture alone.

Part 2 – Technology Solution
For this reason, I have decided to investigate podcasting. Podcasts are audio or video files that I can create and that students can download at their leisure. With podcasting, I have the freedom to include many of the technologies and resources we have learned about in this class and present them in ways that appeal to my diverse learners. Podcasting is also helpful to all students because it puts the teacher one on one with them, and gives them a means whereby they can review materials if they didn't quite grasp it to begin with. Podcasting also helps students who might have missed a class session, as I could post the material on my website.
To learn how to podcast, I accessed Here is a picture of me visiting the website and learning how to podcast:

Next, I recorded my podcast using Audacity:

I exported my Audacity project as an mp3 file using the LAME for Audacity encoder:

I edited the ID3 tags:

Here is my mp3 file on an online storage website called

Finally, here I am creating my first podcast on my blog:

Part 3 - Reflection
For some reason, I could not get the mp3 file to play. My suspicion is that I never could get a direct link to the mp3 file (it costs money on to get a direct link). I did, however, try and, but neither came through for me. Hold on a second, I just thought of something. I am going to try it. Keep your fingers crossed!

First Podcast

Hey, I'm podcasting!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Project #3

I was doing some searching on instructional challenges in today's secondary classroom and came across these common ones:

(1) creating a personalized and orderly learning environment, (2) assisting students who enter high school with poor academic skills, (3) improving instructional content and practice, (4) preparing students for the world beyond high school, and (5) stimulating change in overstressed high schools.

I have decided to address the first challenge--creating a personalized and orderly learning environment. I think that one way to address this is through podcasting.

Because I have a lot of other things to do right now, I will work on this project by myself. I won't be focusing on the IIC competition for now, but might when I wrap the semester up. That's about all I've got for now.