Thursday, September 2, 2010

First Post

Here is a little about me. My name is Wesley Grant Stoddard. My parents were mean and decided to call me by my middle name, Grant, making applying for jobs, filling out medical forms, and even taking classes difficult because nobody gets my name right. I am a student at Brigham Young University. I am majoring in history teaching, and minoring in Russian teaching and TESOL K-12 (TESOL is an acronym for Teaching English to Students of Other Languages and is sometimes interchanged with ESL or TELL). I am married and have a son, who is 15 months old. We are a happy little family trying to survive while I finish up school.

I think that blogging could be an extremely useful tool in the classroom. There are a number of websites that I would love to share with my students but probably won't have time to in class. A few examples are Learn Out Loud (this is a link to their "Free Stuff" page) and The former is a website that offers free audio clips of famous speeches from history, and the second is a page linking the viewer to a number of Russian radio stations. I think that they are worth checking out. Let me know what you think.


  1. Your parents were not mean. I suppose you knew that I would see this. :) You could always just put W. Grant or drop the Wesley on applications and forms. Let me know some of your ideas for blogging in the classroom. I'm always interested in how others implement technology. Love you, Boy!

  2. Sorry about you having to be called "Grant"

  3. I like the name Grant.

    If only it were that easy Mom.

  4. sounds great! good luck in all you are trying to do!

  5. Ah Grant... my parents named me "R.C." because they fought over which Grandparent I should be named after! So I go by each one's initials. Weird how that works! Looking forward to more posts!

  6. Haha, this is a funny dialogue. Sounds like you have quite the life and a beautiful family!
