Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My Personal Learning Network (PLN)

For those of you unfamiliar with what a PLN is, Wikipedia provides a good explanation of it. The way that I have decided to establish a personal learning network is by searching out educational blogs and websites and subscribing to them using Google Reader. I am a big Google fan--it's just so easy to use--and since I already use things like Gmail and Google Docs regularly, adding Google Reader to my repertoire of tools simply seemed logical. I also try to add links to useful blogs on my blog so that others can access my network.

I looked up other avenues for establishing PLNs like Delicious, but did not really want to sign up for yet another internet service. Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Playlist, Pandora, and other sites are enough for me.


  1. I hear ya on pandora. It's a must during work-time. I really do agree though about Google being easy to use. I've never really used it that much, I mostly use my hotmail email account. But recently I have discovered google calendar and reader, and I love them both!

  2. Yes! Pandora is amazing! yep... I really like google reader too. And i totally understand not wanting to sign up for another service. I just don't have time to check them all!

  3. Time is a concern for me do people have the time to look at so many sites? I just can't stand looking at a computer for that long.
