Thursday, September 9, 2010

There's A LOT of Stuff Out There!!!

My technology teacher sent me on a hunt to find websites/blogs/RSS feeds that I think I could use as I teach. I simply typed in "Russian blogs" and "history blogs" and found a bunch of great stuff.

One of the websites that I think will be good to look at is the White House website. It has information about what the current presidential administration is up to.

Another history related site is Like the title indicates, it contains a ton of information about U.S. history.

While I was checking out that last blog, I found US History Teachers Blog. Probably one of the cooler websites I have found. This blog is designed to show history teachers some of the resources out there on the Internet that are available to them.

Finally, I found Russian Word of the Day, which basically teaches a little Russian mini-lesson every day. I am really excited about this one, as I myself will be able to learn from it.


  1. Awesome! I also looked up history blogs and found the US History teacher's blog. I thought it seemed really helpful, especially to people like me who don't want to/are not good at finding these online resources themselves.

  2. Those are great websites and I really like the videos!

  3. I love the White House blog. I'm always trying to figure out how to find information on current issues and how history is being made right now, so that will be a huge help. Thanks!
